AI and Personalization in Product Marketing: Friend or Foe?

Leveraging AI for Personalization and Growth

In today’s hyper-connected world, customers expect personalized experiences from product marketing efforts, with 80% of business buyers expecting real-time responses from companies. However, the rising use of AI in marketing presents a question: does AI enhance personalization, or detract from it? In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of AI in marketing, and discuss how B2B marketing leaders can leverage AI to create highly personalized experiences for potential buyers.

→ Read our earlier blog post on AI in product marketing 

Helping marketers get personal (in a good way)

Forrester research shows that 67% of B2B organizations are already using AI in their marketing, and 70% of respondents plan to increase their use of AI in marketing processes. Little wonder, as AI can provide many benefits to product marketers, including improved lead generation, automated processes, better customer insights, and increased ROI. 

Using AI for customer segmentation and targeting 

One of the most important benefits of AI for product marketers is that it can be used to quickly and thoroughly analyze customer data, identify patterns and trends, and deliver personalized content to potential buyers. With AI, your team can identify the most promising segments to target, helping tailor their messaging and content and ultimately improving engagement and conversions. AI can also help marketers stay on top of changing trends and preferences for each segment, allowing them to tweak their messaging in sync with market changes. 

Navigating the pitfalls of AI-powered personalization

While AI can help create highly personalized experiences for potential buyers, it also presents some challenges––at the top of which are privacy concerns. As AI algorithms become more advanced and capable of processing large amounts of personal data, there is a risk that customer data could be compromised or misused. 

Similarly, as has been pointed out elsewhere, AI algorithms are only as unbiased as the data that they are trained on. Therefore, if that data is biased, then the AI will produce biased results. This is particularly problematic in product marketing, where AI may be used to make important decisions about which customers to target, what products to offer, and how to price them. If AI algorithms are not designed to be inclusive and unbiased, they may perpetuate existing biases and create new ones. 

And finally, there is a risk of over-reliance on AI, which can lead to a lack of human touch and eventually a decrease in personalization. If companies rely too heavily on AI, they may miss opportunities to create truly unique and personalized experiences for their customers.

Creating the perfect blend of AI and personalization 

To strike the right balance between AI and personalization in B2B marketing, it’s essential to use AI to enhance, not replace, human interaction. Marketers should use AI to gain insights and automate processes, but then rely on human judgment to interpret data and make decisions. For example, AI can be used for data analysis and trend identification, while humans can use their creativity and empathy to craft personalized messages that resonate with customers.

With the right approach, B2B marketers can leverage AI to enhance personalization and create highly engaging experiences for potential buyers. By doing so, they can drive growth and increase ROI in today’s highly competitive market. It’s important to remember, however, that companies must prioritize data security and privacy while using AI in their marketing efforts, and to ensure that their use of AI does not detract from the personalization that customers crave. 

What Lies Ahead?

As long as we’re careful to strike the right balance between privacy and personalization, the future of AI in product marketing is bright. 

Hyper-personalization AI 

One potential trend that we are likely to see increase is the use of AI to create even more hyper-personalized customer experiences. As AI becomes more advanced, companies will be able to gather and analyze vast amounts of customer data in real-time, allowing them to create highly tailored marketing campaigns and personalized product recommendations based on individual preferences and behavior. This could lead to a more personalized and engaging customer experience, as customers are more likely to engage with and respond to marketing messages that are relevant to their interests and needs.

Predictive analytics and machine learning personalization for lead generation

As AI becomes more advanced, companies will be able to leverage predictive analytics to identify potential customers and generate leads with greater accuracy. By analyzing data on past purchase behavior, online activity, and other factors, AI-powered tools can help product marketers identify the most promising leads and tailor their marketing messages accordingly.

AI personalization in account-based marketing

As AI becomes more advanced, B2B product marketers will be able to leverage account-based marketing techniques to deliver highly personalized marketing messages to individual accounts. By using AI to analyze data on each account, including past purchase behavior, online activity, and social media engagement, companies can deliver personalized marketing messages tailored to each account’s unique needs and preferences. And, by analyzing data on past content performance and audience engagement, AI-powered tools can help B2B marketers create more effective content that drives engagement and conversions.

Smart targeting and segmentation

Finally, as AI becomes more advanced, product marketers will be able to leverage AI-powered tools to segment and target their audiences more effectively. By analyzing data on past purchase behavior, online activity, and other factors, AI-powered tools can help marketers identify the most promising segments and tailor their marketing messages accordingly.

By using AI to supplement human efforts, companies that prioritize personalization and use AI in a strategic and thoughtful way will be well-positioned to succeed in the years to come.

Ready to take your B2B marketing to the next level with AI personalization? Schedule a free 30-minute consultation with Aventi Group to learn how you can leverage AI to enhance personalization, generate more leads, and increase ROI today.

Written By

Zoe Quinton

After working in fiction publishing for 15 years, Zoe Quinton started as a product marketing consultant with Aventi Group in 2018. When she’s not reading for either work or pleasure, you can find her drinking good coffee, gardening, or spending time with her family at their home in Santa Cruz, California.