Product Marketing Examples & What We Can Learn from Them

Product Marketing Examples & What We Can Learn from Them

Did you know that 70% of B2B buyers watch video content during their purchase process? This shows how crucial it is to engage your target audience with effective product marketing.

Today, standing out in a crowded market means using smart, strategic approaches.

In this blog, we’ll explore successful product marketing examples and uncover what makes them work. You’ll learn how top companies like Slack, Figma, and Asana achieve their goals and how you can apply these lessons to your own strategies.

What is Product Marketing?

Product marketing is all about bringing a product to market and making sure it succeeds. It’s a key part of your overall market strategy.

Here’s why:

  • Creating awareness: Product marketers make potential customers aware of new products.
  • Generating demand: They spark interest and drive potential customers to consider your product.
  • Driving sales: The ultimate goal is to boost product sales by showing how the product meets the needs of the target market.

Product marketing teams work hard to understand target customers and create effective product messaging that resonates with them.

Key Components of Product Marketing

Successful product marketing relies on a few essential elements.

First, market research helps you understand your target customers and their needs.

Next, product positioning defines how your product fits into the market and stands out from competitors.

Clear messaging ensures that potential customers understand the product’s key features and benefits.

Finally, effective promotion spreads the word and drives interest.

Each of these components plays a crucial role. Market research guides your strategy, positioning sets your product apart, messaging communicates value, and promotion boosts visibility and sales. Together, they form a successful product marketing strategy.

Product Marketing Examples in Action

Let’s explore how some top companies achieve product success through innovative strategies, engaging content, and effective product marketing efforts.


Loom excels at using video to connect with its target customers. It uses engaging product videos to demonstrate how its tool makes communication easier and faster.

By showcasing real use cases and customer success stories, Loom creates a strong connection with its audience. This approach highlights key features and builds trust and credibility, driving product sales.

Recently, Loom shifted from a product-led growth strategy to a go-to-market demand generation strategy targeted at enterprise clients. This change helped them build demand-generation campaigns 80% faster, freeing up time for strategic work. Their new approach leverages HubSpot’s CRM platform to automate and streamline marketing processes, making their campaigns more efficient and effective.​


Figma’s product marketing strategy focuses on community and collaboration. They create valuable content, including blog posts and social media posts, that engages their users. Figma also organizes events and webinars to foster a sense of community.

By doing so, they position themselves as a leader in design collaboration tools. This community-driven approach helps them gain loyal customers and increase product adoption.

Recently, Figma has doubled down on its community-centric approach by integrating with Adobe, enhancing its collaborative features. They continue to host events like Config, a global design conference, and maintain an active community platform to engage users and collect feedback. This strategy has not only solidified their market position but also fostered a robust, loyal user base​.


Asana uses clear messaging to show how its tool improves team productivity. It highlights specific benefits through targeted marketing materials and case studies.

Asana also leverages social proof by sharing testimonials from well-known companies. This strategy effectively communicates the value of its product to potential customers, driving demand and product success.

Recently, Asana enhanced its digital marketing strategy by integrating AI tools to streamline marketing efforts and improve customer interactions.

They use AI for data analysis, trendspotting, and automating routine tasks, which helps them create more targeted and efficient campaigns. Additionally, Asana has focused on hyper-personalization and improving user experience across devices, ensuring that its platform meets users’ evolving needs and keeps them engaged.​


Miro’s marketing team focuses on interactive and visual content to engage users. They offer extensive resources, like templates and tutorials, to help users get the most out of their product.

Miro’s strategy emphasizes the ease of use and flexibility of its tool, making it appealing to a wide range of customers. This helps generate demand and boost customer satisfaction.

Recently, Miro launched interactive presentations and keyword clustering to enhance user engagement. This helps users analyze and visualize data more effectively. To demonstrate their latest innovations and get user feedback in real-time, Miro also hosts regular webinars.

Moreover, Miro has partnered with over 100 SaaS tools, including Jira, Slack, and Figma, enabling seamless collaboration across various platforms.


Slack uses captivating storytelling to showcase how its product can transform workplace communication. It shares real-life stories and examples of how different teams use Slack to enhance productivity.

This storytelling approach makes their product relatable and shows its practical benefits, driving interest and user adoption.


Dropbox focuses on a seamless user experience and integration. It highlights how its product simplifies file sharing and collaboration across different platforms.

Dropbox uses targeted email campaigns to keep its audience engaged and informed about new features and updates. This strategy ensures users see ongoing value, leading to higher customer retention and product success.

Content Marketing for Products

Leading B2B companies use content marketing to build strong relationships with their audience. This approach helps them engage potential customers and showcase their product features effectively.

Here’s how they do it:

  • Slack: Uses memorable ad campaigns to highlight how their product improves team communication.
  • Loom: Creates engaging product videos and blog posts to demonstrate the benefits and key features of their tool.
  • HubSpot: Publishes helpful blog posts and guides that offer valuable insights, drawing in a loyal customer base.
  • Dropbox: Shares customer success stories to illustrate real-world applications of their product.

These strategies help build trust, educate the audience, and drive product success.

Social Media Marketing Strategies

According to HubSpot, 17% of consumers purchase products directly from a social media app they are browsing. Industry leaders like Asana and Figma innovate in content sharing and engage their audiences effectively.

Here’s how they do it:

  • Asana: Uses visual content like infographics and videos to showcase product features and benefits. It also interacts with followers by responding to comments and sharing user-generated content.
  • Figma: Shares design tips, tutorials, and case studies that appeal to their target market. They host live Q&A sessions and webinars to engage their audience in real-time.
  • Slack: Posts customer stories and practical use cases to demonstrate product value in different scenarios.

These strategies help build a strong online presence and foster customer engagement.

Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Influencer marketing can boost brand authority and reach. 25% of consumers bought a product based on an influencer’s recommendation.

B2B giants like IBM and Adobe have mastered this. Here’s how:

  • IBM: Collaborates with industry influencers to enhance its cloud computing solutions. These influencers share their experiences, adding credibility and attracting potential customers.
  • Adobe: Utilizes thought leaders to endorse its creative software products. By showcasing real-world applications and expert opinions, Adobe strengthens its product story and market positioning.

These partnerships help companies reach new audiences and build trust through authentic endorsements.

Email Marketing for Product Promotion

HubSpot is renowned for its engaging email marketing campaigns. Their strategies drive sales and foster loyalty. Here’s what they do:

  • Personalized Content: Tailors emails to individual preferences, making the content more relevant and engaging for each recipient.
  • Segmentation: Divides their email list into specific groups based on customer behavior and interests. This ensures that each segment receives content that resonates with them.
  • Automation: Uses automated workflows to send timely and relevant emails, keeping potential customers engaged throughout their journey.

These tactics help HubSpot maintain a strong connection with its audience, leading to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Customer Engagement Strategies

Engaging B2B customers throughout their journey is crucial. Salesforce and Microsoft excel in this area. Here’s how:

  • Salesforce: Uses personalized communication to address customer needs at every stage. They offer tailored solutions and proactive support to ensure customer success.
  • Microsoft: Focuses on loyalty initiatives, such as exclusive webinars and training sessions, to nurture long-term relationships. They also gather customer feedback to improve their products continuously.

These strategies help build a loyal customer base and enhance customer satisfaction, ensuring clients remain engaged and happy with the products.

Measuring Success and ROI

Key performance indicators (KPIs) help track progress and impact.

Here’s how companies measure and track marketing initiatives:

  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): Measures the cost of acquiring a new customer. It includes marketing expenses divided by the number of new customers gained.

    CAC = Total Marketing Expenses / Number of New Customers Acquired
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Estimates the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer account.
  • Conversion Rates: Tracks the percentage of potential customers who take the desired action, like signing up or making a purchase.
  • Engagement Metrics: Includes metrics like click-through rates (CTR), open rates, and social media interactions to gauge audience engagement.


By now, you’ve explored real-world product marketing examples and the strategies that make them successful. 

Focus on clear messaging, engaging content, and measuring success to improve your own marketing efforts. Use these insights to enhance your product marketing and get better results.

And if you want to make your product a hit, our experts will ensure your launch captures attention, keeps it, and generates sales. Contact us today!

Written By

Nima Chadha

Nima Chadha is a results-driven marketing executive with over ten years of experience in marketing management, business development, and strategic partnerships. With a background in sales, marketing, and project management, Nima specializes in creating and executing strategies to drive growth and revenue for B2B tech companies across North America.