Top 5 Types of Product Marketing for 2024

Top 5 Types of Product Marketing for 2024

Your product is more likely to sell if it solves real customer problems. But how do you make sure your product is seen as the go-to solution for those problems? That’s where the principles of product marketing apply.

Here’s a quick recap on product marketing

“It’s the strategic process of driving demand and adoption for your product. This involves understanding your target audience, crafting compelling marketing messages, and using the right channels to reach your audience. Essentially, it’s how you tell the world about the awesome solution you’ve built.”

In this guide, we will discuss the top types of product marketing and lay out specific tactics that are especially effective for B2B companies. 

5 Best Types of Product Marketing

Let’s discuss the five best types to make a difference in your B2B product marketing plan. You can use these types solo or mix and match them to fit your product, audience, strategy, and budget. 

Brand Marketing

Brand marketing is about creating and promoting a recognizable identity for a business that resonates with consumers on a deeper level. 

The goal is to forge an emotional connection and ensure that when people hear your brand name, they associate it with values and a quality promise. 

Consumers are 81% more likely to remember a brand’s color than its name. That’s no small potatoes. Colors, shapes, and visuals trigger memory recall, making brand identity elements crucial in the crowded marketplace. 

That’s why Accenture shelled out a cool $100 million for their rebranding their logo.

Now, how does brand marketing stand apart from product marketing? 

A B2B Brand Is…

  • What customers specifically ask for.
  • The name used in conversations over the product.
  • The thought that comes to mind before the product itself.
  • A developed personality beyond the product.
  • What people pay a premium for.

A Product Is…

  • A locator within a product range.
  • Often ordered by description rather than name.
  • Subject to change without affecting customer loyalty.
  • A label that needs to be looked up.

Slack hit the brand marketing out of the park with its “So yeah, we tried Slack” campaign. They went all-in with a mockumentary that felt like something straight out of “The Office.” The difference was that it was funny and smart simultaneously—showing how Slack slides into an office setting and makes everything click. 

The authenticity of a real customer’s office, infused with witty dialogues and situations, turned what could have been a standard promotional video into an engaging story. 

Content Marketing

B2B content marketing is strategically creating and distributing valuable, informative content designed to attract and engage decision-makers within your target businesses. 

With three-quarters of B2B marketers wielding generative tools, crafting content has never been easier. 

However, since everyone is using AI to crank out content nowadays, the real game-changer is being original and genuine.

Here are the top content types produced by B2B companies to get more sales and educate their audience:

  1. Blog Posts: The bread and butter of content marketing, driving SEO and sharing insights.
  2. Videos: 61% of B2B marketers use videos and webinars in their market strategy. If you’re still not using it, you’re lagging behind.
  3. Infographics: Big insights in a bite-sized visual format, perfect for sharing and quick consumption.
  4. Ebooks: Perfect for lead magnets (getting your readers’ email in exchange for something valuable)
  5. Case Studies: Real-world success stories that prove your product’s value.
  6. Audio Content: Podcasts and audio clips that reach audiences on the move.
  7. Research Reports: Original data and analysis that position your brand as a thought leader.
  8. Brochures: Concise, visually appealing content that outlines the key benefits of your products or services.
  9. Product Sheets: Detailed breakdowns of product features, benefits, and specifications.
  10. Live Streaming: Real-time engagement that brings a human touch to digital interaction.

Digital Marketing

Did you know that 77% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands they follow on social? That’s huge. For us in the B2B space, this is a wake-up call to double down on digital.

Digital marketing is way more than just content marketing. It’s the ecosystem where your content lives, breathes, and does its job to reel in leads and close sales.

In the B2B space, tech tools have changed big time. We’re talking CRMs, automation, AI-driven analytics—the whole setlist has evolved. It’s a whole new world where the tech does the heavy lifting, and we focus on crafting great marketing strategies according to buyer personas.

B2B marketing also typically involves a longer decision-making process, with more touchpoints and detailed nurturing strategies. We’re dealing with a more complex buying process, multiple stakeholders, and a need for a higher level of trust. 

Event Marketing

In B2B event marketing, your product steps out from behind the curtain and takes center stage, engaging with the audience face-to-face. 

The interaction lets you showcase your product, passion, and the people behind it. It’s personal, powerful, and can turn prospects into partners.

Here’s the lineup of event types that can amplify your product’s presence:

  • Trade Shows: The industry’s main stage where networking and competitor analysis go hand in hand with lead generation.
  • Conferences: Keynote speeches and breakout sessions that position your brand as a thought leader.
  • Exhibitions: A visual feast where your product’s design and functionality are the art on display.
  • Webinars: Digital seminars offering value and convenience, extending your global reach.
  • Workshops: Hands-on sessions where participants experience your product’s capabilities firsthand.
  • Industry-Specific Forums: Where niche communities gather, offering targeted networking and discussion.
  • Meetups: Informal gatherings that strengthen community ties and brand loyalty.
  • Product Launch Events: The grand unveiling that generates buzz and excitement, marking your product’s entry into the market.

And remember:

“An event is not over until everyone stops talking about it.” — Mason Cooley.

Keep the conversation going to ensure the event’s message echoes long after the last handshake.

Influencer Marketing

Companies don’t buy products — People do. Influencer marketing is the strategy of partnering with individuals who have sway over your target market to promote your products or services. 

70 percent of consumers worldwide trust individuals, even those they don’t know personally, over the meager 33% who trust mobile ads. That’s a massive show of hands for influencer marketing!

Here are some benefits of B2B influencer marketing:

  • Connect your product with the right audience (no scattergun approach).
  • Influencers can create authentic content that resonates with their audience.
  • Increased brand awareness through association with well-known industry figures.
  • Drives conversions with endorsements from respected voices.
  • Influencer mentions can increase product positioning, online visibility, and higher SEO rankings.

In 2020, used influencers to reach teams going remote. The campaign massively overachieved, with a social reach of nearly 18 times their target and significant organic social media engagement.

How to Identify and Collaborate With Influencers

Here’s how to pinpoint and team up with the right influencers:

  1. Research to find influencers who align with your brand values and audience interests.
  2. Analyze their content quality, engagement rates, and audience demographics.
  3. Reach out personally, expressing genuine interest in their work and audience.
  4. Discuss mutual benefits, focusing on how the partnership can add value for the influencer.
  5. Set clear expectations for deliverables, timelines, and communication.
  6. Provide them with the resources they need to understand and represent your brand.
  7. Negotiate terms that respect their influence while meeting your marketing goals.
  8. Monitor the campaign and collect data on performance metrics.
  9. Maintain the relationship post-campaign for potential future collaborations.

Product Launch Marketing

Now that you’ve got a handle on the different types of product marketing let’s zoom in on how they play their part in a product launch

Pre-launch: This is the teaser trailer. It’s where the research happens, the audience gets curious, and you develop the marketing roadmap that outlines every step of the journey, fueled by brand and content marketing insights.

Launch: Showtime! Here, the product hits the spotlight. Your rollout strategy is in full swing, and all eyes are on what you’ve got to offer. Influencer marketing can amplify the launch message, while digital marketing campaigns across various platforms can drive awareness and engagement. 

Post-launch: After the initial excitement, you focus on response and retention. How are people reacting? What’s working? Content marketing is key to maintaining engagement, reporting, gathering customer feedback, and adjusting to keep your audience coming back for more.

Read more: The Key Elements of Product Marketing.

Lifecycle Marketing

Lifecycle marketing is the strategy of engaging customers at every stage of the product’s life. Building your product marketing team with the right expertise is crucial at every stage.

Here are the stages of the customer journey and how product marketing types affect them:

  • Awareness: Brand marketing shines here, creating a visual and emotional anchor that helps potential customers recognize and remember your product. Digital marketing expands this reach through targeted ads and social media presence.
  • Engagement: Content marketing is the hero at this stage, delivering valuable information through blogs, social media posts, videos, and infographics that resonate with the audience’s needs and interests, keeping them engaged and moving them closer to a decision.
  • Conversion: Digital marketing tactics become critical for conversion. Businesses can turn interested audiences into paying customers through strategic email marketing, PPC campaigns, and conversion-optimized landing pages.
  • Support: After a sale, event marketing like workshops, webinars, and Q&A sessions provide customers with the support and information they need to maximize their purchase, addressing concerns and preventing buyer’s remorse.
  • Loyalty: Influencer marketing can foster loyalty by continuing to endorse the product and sharing how it fits into the lifestyle or business operations of the influencer, reinforcing the customer’s decision. Content marketing supports this with case studies and testimonials that validate the customer’s choice and encourage repeat business. 

Comparison of Product Marketing Types

Let’s take a closer look at how each product marketing type stacks up.

FactorBrand MarketingContent MarketingDigital MarketingEvent MarketingInfluencer Marketing
Primary GoalBuild loyaltyEducate & engageConvert & sellNetwork & demoEndorse & influence
Key MetricBrand equityTraffic & SEOROI & conversionsLeads & contactsEngagement & reach
Content TypeIdentity assetsEducational piecesMixed mediaLive experiencesCollaborative posts
TimeframeLong-termOngoingCampaign-basedScheduled eventsCampaign-based
StrengthsEmotional resonance, brand loyalty.Cost-effectiveness, SEO benefits.Precision targeting, immediate results.In-person engagement, live feedback.High trust, authentic content.
WeaknessesHigh cost, slow ROI.Time-intensive, content saturation.Ad fatigue, privacy concerns.Logistical challenges, high cost.Dependence on influencer credibility.

Implementation Tips

When it comes to putting product marketing types into action, here are some advanced, real-world strategies that can take your game to the next level:

Hyper-personalized Product Demos

Use artificial intelligence to get a read on what target customers do and want, then tweak your demos to fit like a glove. Have your demo content shift on the fly, reacting to what the user does or likes. 

Make sure the demos aren’t just a one-way street; let users click around and see how your product flexes to their needs.

Sentiment Analysis and Customer Insights

Dig into social chatter and reviews with AI to catch the vibe about your product and see trends coming before they land. 

Twist your content marketing strategy to hit those specific sore spots your customers talk about. 

Get chatbots smart enough to dish out marketing that feels personal and answers questions on the spot, all while keeping tabs on the mood of the conversation.

Predictive Marketing 

Unlike traditional marketing, use machine learning to guess what customers want next and shape your content to match. Change up recommendations, page layouts, and even the whole website experience based on what users have done before. 


While you’ve got the know-how to set the stage for your product’s success, sometimes that extra finesse from seasoned pros can amp up the volume.

This is where Aventi can help B2B companies. We’re here to sharpen your product marketing strategy and ensure your campaigns perform like chart-toppers.

Ready to see your product take center stage? Reach out to Aventi.

Written By

Nima Chadha

Nima Chadha is a results-driven marketing executive with over ten years of experience in marketing management, business development, and strategic partnerships. With a background in sales, marketing, and project management, Nima specializes in creating and executing strategies to drive growth and revenue for B2B tech companies across North America.